The Keys To Overcoming Anxiety Once & For All

  • If you are suffering from an anxiety disorder this will change your life. Let me just start off by saying that I believe anxiety is a natural part of the human psyche and everyone experiences it. What is not normal is when it starts to cripple and interfere with your life. If you have been scouring the Internet looking for an answer on if your current state is permanent I’m here to tell you from personal experience, NO, it is not! You can and will overcome this if you want to.

    Breathe a sigh of relief if all you have seen online is doom & gloom. Even if your therapist/psychiatrist believes that it is only “manageable” or that you can only hope to cope with this, I completely disagree and I will prove why. Now, I do feel responsibility to say a few things as a disclaimer. First, you should initially see a psychologist/psychiatrist and have them evaluate you. I am strictly speaking about anxiety-based afflictions. I will also speak some on anxiety & high level on depression.

    To follow up on my initial request I consider myself to be a smart guy. I also have spent countless hours researching medical literature, articles, self help books published by therapists/psychiatrists, internet forums of people suffering similar afflictions, and most of all, have the first hand experience of going through it myself. With all that being said I am NOT a doctor. Mental health can be tricky & multi faceted so it’s important to meet with a professional to get evaluated to see what’s going on & not self diagnose.

    I self diagnosed when I first started having symptoms and if you weren’t aware, the internet is a scary place to check for mental health symptoms. I literally thought I was going to lose my mind and the Internet made it 10X worse. Please do NOT search the Internet/forums for symptoms or try to self diagnose. Anxiety can and will distort your mind and the “what if” spiral can make it seem like it’s a lot worse than it is.

    So first let me start off with some of my symptoms I experienced while being stuck in this anxiety torture. I will break down everyone of these in my recovery guide:

    • Upsetting/Frightening intrusive thoughts

    • Hyperawarness of thoughts and/or surroundings

    • Obsessive thoughts/OCD

    • Feeling trapped in your mind/head

    • Depersonalization/Derealization

    • Feeling like you’re about to lose your mind

    • Intense fear + anxiety

    • Catastrophic thinking + thought distortion

    • Sadness

    • General anxiety feeling (especially during the recovery)

    • Wanting to be “perfect again” and second guessing every negative thought/emotion (be careful with this as life wasn’t perfect before anxiety)

    • Developing mental rules + new fears/themes

    • Urgency

    • Irritability

    • Brain fog + headaches

    • Ruminating

    • Sleep disturbances & insomnia

    • Panic attacks

    • Racing heartbeat

    • Upset stomach

    • Shortness of breath

    • Forgetfullness

    So you have probably come across my site because you are currently going through your own personal mental rollercoaster. The human brain is incredible for many things but when it becomes your own enemy look out! I’ll start this off with some background about myself so you can get an idea of who I am and how I got here. I only share this because I think its important as someone who never dealt with mental health issues to show you how I got from point A to where I am currently. If you have heard enough and are ready to book your free 30-minute discovery call click the button below. Otherwise, keep reading.

  • I was so determined to beat my anxiety disorders that I spent countless hours researching for success stories. The more I researched, the more defeated I felt because it seemed like this was something that would stick around for years or a lifetime. The more I looked the less hope I found that I would ever be back to “normal”. Instead, I would likely have to live out my days managing this.

    This brings me to one of the first rules of overcoming this. Now that you found my website/eBook I urge you to never Google symptoms or anything related to anxiety. I will provide a couple of resources that helped me immensely, but please do not go search for more reassurance.

    The reason I say that is because it’s a never-ending cycle that just feeds your symptoms and makes them stronger. Trust me when I say I already went down that road and it’s actually a circle. One, there’s a ton of miss information out there. Two, you’re always going to want more reassurance. The moment you realize your brain will never be satisfied no matter how much reassurance it gets, is the moment you can start healing.

    Now to be completely honest I wrote this guide out over many months when I was initially healing. The reason for that is I had two major setbacks during my recovery. This is normal and you WILL have setbacks during your recovery so don’t worry about it. My first set back was me googling people who had developed drug-induced schizophrenia. This was one of my biggest fears so as I started feeling better and more brave, I decided to do some intense ERP. Big mistake. My anxiety steadily rose over the next week as I started to fear the possibility of going insane again due to my marijuana use almost a year prior. This was obviously irrational but nonetheless I started to slip on my progress.

    My second relapse was a breakup I had with my girlfriend. The stress of the situation peaked my anxiety again for another set back. Now lets dig into these symptoms, why they happen, and break it down scientifically and psychologically. Then, I will show you how to permanently overcome your anxiety disorder. If you have heard enough and are ready to book your free 30-minute discovery call click the button below. Otherwise, keep reading.

  • I will break this down in two ways, scientifically & psychologically. Recovery for all symptoms basically follow the same principles but I will break it down separately because some people learn better from a scientific basis. Others learn better when it’s explained on a more psychological level. First, lets start off with the scientific aspect whom I learned from a genius in mindfulness called Sen. This is taken directly from his article with some minor added points from myself, but you can find his full article on this here:

    Obsessive Intrusive thoughts/OCD, Fears, & Anxiety Disorders

    “Most people who get stuck with obsessive thoughts and other anxiety symptoms have an anxiety disorder. Their brains are constantly producing anxious thoughts. When this happens you don’t realize this is actually a symptom and not the underlying problem. (Now I want you to read this again until it sinks in! Everything you are experiencing from your anxiety disorder is just a symptom.)

    You find yourself continuously trying to treat the symptom without acknowledging the real problem. You look to try to solve your obsessive thoughts, fears, and anxiety through logical thinking or positive affirmations. Maybe you try to suppress or ignore the thoughts, and of course none of this works. It doesn’t work because the thoughts are just a symptom. No matter how vulgar, sinister, or disturbing they are. The actual problem is with the underlying buildup of negative energy in the body in conjunction with the high momentum of your brain.

    When your brain develops high momentum (from overthinking and constant worrying) it’s able to repeat the thoughts constantly and rapidly. When you have an accumulation of suppressed negative energy our bodies will create the theme of thought depending on the energy that’s suppressed. For example, if hatred and sexuality is suppressed the theme of the obsessive thoughts may be about sexual violence. A lot of times your worst internal fears can be the topics of obsessive thoughts. Intrusive, obsessive and frightening thoughts will start to disappear when you start practicing relaxed awareness. This is a state of allowing and where your brain’s momentum comes down so your negative energy gets released from the body. This happens at a cellular level.

    Your body’s cells not only store nutrition, but also information in the form of cellular memory. They store the memory of energy/vibration, emotions, and thoughts. These cellular memories keep reestablishing this energy in the body. So when you feel “negative” (fearful or hateful) about these energies coming up, you are basically creating new negative energy. Which again gets stored as a memory in the cells – thus keeping the cycle going. This is also the basic foundation of “rewiring your brain.”

    Of course, some of this cellular memory is hereditary. The only reason why this understanding is even needed is so that you can comprehend that some of your negativity is not even specific to you. It was just simply apart of your inheritance. So don’t take your negativity and proneness to anxiety personally. By not taking it personally it allows you to release it since you are no longer attaching it to your personal identity. This is why some people are naturally more anxious than others. Bringing relaxed awareness to obsessive thoughts & fear will end this pattern.

    Remember that thoughts are fueled by your brain’s momentum and your body’s negative energy content. So just trying to solve the thoughts logically by telling yourself some positive affirmations, or seeing through the falseness of the thoughts is not enough by itself. Don’t expect the thoughts to stop just because you’ve seen through their falseness because these thoughts are running on the brain’s past momentum, and are being fueled by the negative energy content in your body. You need to allow the time for the release of the negative energy and for the lessening of brain momentum. This is critical to overcoming your anxiety disorder.

    In a simple sense, you just need to stay open to allowing the thoughts and wait. Most people don’t wait & get impatient too soon. Thus, perpetuating a cycle of symptoms that they are stuck in. So when medical professionals or websites say that anxiety disorders are only manageable this is their proof. People give up & don’t trust this process of total allowing consistently because they don’t have a scientific understanding of this process. They just try to “believe” it because a psychiatrist or therapist says so. They may even think that this is too simple and want some extra ordinary process, but that’s an illusion. This illusion can keep you stuck in your anxiety disorder for months or years if you allow it.

    Relaxed awareness just means to sit back and fully allow what arises in the mind and in the energy space of your body. It really is that simple in execution. Initially, in order for your awareness to grow it’s helpful to just watch your mind and watch your feelings. Just watch it for a few days/weeks as if you are watching a movie. Basically, it’s a sense of detached and distant observation like meditation. Once you sense that you’ve become quite aware of your inner thoughts and feelings, it’s time to start letting go of “trying” to be aware and just relax your awareness. It’s simply just sitting, being relaxed, and allowing what arises to arise. Don’t complicate anything as it’s really simple. The point is to just be open to what arises without requiring over-analysis.

    As you stay in this space of relaxed awareness, you will notice a natural process of “release” starting to happen. This release, “energy detox”, can take a while to complete, and it will happen in layers depending on how much accumulation is in your body. Be prepared for some restlessness in the body as the energies start getting released. It’s normal and it’s part of the detox. You can feel fatigued during and after a layer of release. You can also have some sleeplessness during the release. Your body may feel some aches and cramps (or even a little feverish sometimes during an intense release). The mind can have a higher intensity of obsessive thoughts during the release and can produce a plethora of negative images and arguments.

    There will be physical sensations as the energy is released and your body moves into a higher vibration. There will be periods of peace and relief in between the cycles of detox. Remember that each body is unique and reacts differently to this detox, plus each person has a different load of accumulated negative energy. The bottom line is that this process causes the body to start moving towards a real harmony, and the unpleasantness is just temporary. Your brain will fight you as it believes it’s trying to protect you.

    Your unconscious focus on this negativity starts from your childhood days. It causes the build up of negative momentum in your brain. This also causes the creation of new negative energy that starts to accumulate. It’s only when you start becoming aware of the choice you have in releasing this negativity that you actually start moving towards freedom. Now you start to release the accumulated negativity in you and begin rewiring your brain.

    When you start becoming relaxed and allowing built up negative energies start coming up more freely to be released. To relax in your being is like opening up a valve that allows the pent up water of the dam to rush out freely. Most people start doubting themselves at this point because they thought that they would just feel harmony through this process. But what they find is a huge outpouring of negativity for a while.

    Another problem is that anyone who starts letting go feels great for a while which is the initial phase. This relaxation causes the suppressed energies to move up thus stopping the initial great feeling. This causes you to imagine that you did something wrong and aren’t doing it right. In truth this is the way the process of detox operates. The periods of having a high surge of negative energy coming up is a positive sign that you are emptying out so much of your past accumulation.

    Your brain can seem to go on overdrive for a while during the release, and it will pump out a lot of doubts and fears. It will tell you “this is not right”. This is normal because the brain is designed to oppose anything that feels negative in the body and protect you. The key is to not buy into your brain’s fearful thoughts, and just continue staying open to the release. The difficulty is that the brain can get really tricky with its arguments and fears, causing you to believe them if you are not aware enough. When this happens you will find yourself fueling the negativity. Don’t be tricked by your brain’s antics and just stay open to the release. Understand that there are no short cuts or quick fixes. The energy accumulated needs to get released “consciously” for it to not get recycled again.

    This process is temporary but when you are the middle of the storm you don’t know when it’s going to end and this can make you feel uncertain. You will question if you will be like this for the rest of your life! This again is normal, and you need to allow this feeling of uncertainty.

    There is a permanent ending of this energy detox, and especially during the final stages is when you may experience a lot of energy release. You should look at enjoying this whole process. If you are really relaxed you can sense a calm in the background as the agitation of the energy release happens. When you start enjoying this process is when the release happens more quickly because now there is very little resistance in your being. People who sit worried during the release actually create resistance to the release, and therefore delay it.”

    If you have heard enough and are ready to book your free 30-minute discovery call click the button below. Otherwise, keep reading.

  • So we already discussed a scientific approach and philosophy to recovering from whatever anxiety based disorder you are suffering from. Depending on how you process information this may be all you need for recovery. I will now also discuss the psychological aspect of recovery. The first thing I want to make clear is that there is no easy cure, pill, or doctor that is going to make this go away. So please, like I have said earlier, stop googling and going through mental gymnastics trying to “figure this out”. Trust me, this is one problem you will not be able to solve with more thinking. It’s actually the thinking and trying to make it go away that keeps it around and makes it worse.

    Use this knowledge as proof that anxiety and anxiety disorders are NOT a chemical imbalance in your brain. You were not necessarily born this way (although your genes may play a role) nor do you have some brain disorder that can only be “managed”. This is one of the greatest misconceptions that keeps people stuck in these anxiety loops for months, years, & decades! This creates more anxiety & negative emotions that can lead to more anxiety disorders, depression, and worse.

    What you need to understand is that the mind is a powerful thing. Have you ever heard someone say you can do anything you put your mind to? Well, it’s true and can be true negatively as well. If you tell yourself you’ll be stuck like this forever and can only manage this condition, you may complete a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    To recover, you first have to understand how this happened because anxiety doesn’t come out of the blue. Everyone has a unique makeup but generally anxiety is actually created by us. Our brains and our minds become over loaded with stress and worry over time.

    Proverbs 12:25 - Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.

    Have you ever wondered why medications, working out, and countless hours of therapy (while they all can be helpful) didn’t exactly cure your anxiety? These things can help lower symptoms but to truly rid yourself you must look within. It won’t be easy but the good news is that you don’t have to depend on anyone or spend thousands every year. Only you can cure your anxiety, rid yourself of those debilitating symptoms, and get to the life you deserve.

    The key to overcoming your anxiety disorder is to no longer create anxiety. Then release what you have previously created as stated in the scientific breakdown.

    Lets take a look at the definition of anxiety:

    Anxiety - a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

    This is not something that is new and has been around since humans existed. It’s natural to have anxiety because it is actually a key to our survival. What is not natural is when you are trapped in a chronic state of this. This occurs when you worry, over think, and stress consistently over a sustained period. When this happens the anxious energy begins to build up, and if not addressed, an anxiety disorder will occur if not freed from your body.

    As humans we are very good at adapting and still functioning with this anxiety building in us. So you continue to work, stress, worry, and overthink all while achieving goals. We get good at coping and distracting ourselves. When you feel that panic attack coming on or “what if” thoughts taking over, what do you do? Do you try to ignore the thoughts or reason with them? Do you count to ten or try to control your breathing? These can be effective methods for coping but what you’re doing is avoiding the feeling instead of confronting it.

    There came a point that I could not take it anymore. I started attending therapy and I became really good at suppressing the anxiety. I would avoid thoughts or places that triggered me and try my best to ignore the constant noise and panic in my head. I bought numerous self-help books, worked out 3X a week, and read just about every article written on anxiety. I even went as far to study the DSM-5- manual. One day I woke up and felt completely exhausted and defeated as I realized it wasn’t working. It doesn’t work because you are spending all your energy avoiding or wishing it away. Therapy, books, medication, and coping will treat the symptoms but won’t alleviate your disorder.

    While going through anxiety you will come across so many promises to fix your disorder. So many people and so many programs promise to be able to but nothing truly fully works. This is because once again only YOU have the power to eliminate your anxiety disorder. Unfortunately, there is no easy way and you can’t avoid or go around the anxiety. You have to go through it.

    The most important part of recovery is relaxed awareness. You have to allow your anxious feelings no matter how unconformable they make you feel. So if you have a panic attack every time you go to the grocery store, guess where you will have to go? If you are terrified that you will go crazy if you let your thoughts fester, guess what you have to be comfortable thinking about? If that evil thought passes through your mind and your first instinct is to tell yourself “I’m a good person and would never do that”. Guess what thought you have to be comfortable allowing without combating it? This is the basis behind ERP (exposure & response therapy).

    Even simpler is that recovery comes through simply allowing your anxious thought, fear, or feeling to just be. It will be EXTREMELY uncomfortable. Keep in mind this is just because your brain is sensing danger and will try everything in its power to “protect” you. You have to master the thought process that you are not your brain. Your soul, being, and virtue are not your brain.

    Once you truly believe this you will realize that what you fear is not actually the problem. When you’re in the midst of anxiety you will blame whatever theme or situation causes your anxiety. OCD sufferers deal with this the worst. Avoiding, debating, and ignoring triggers will not assist you in overcoming. In fact this is actually what feeds your anxiety disorder and keeps you stuck in the loop. When you avoid, reason, or get consumed with your anxiety you train your brain that this is what is necessary to cope.

    Your brain and mind will start to recognize any thought that is a trigger and your fight or flight response will go into overdrive. It’s like when you work out in the gym and your muscles get stronger. Your brain’s fear response will continue to get stronger until the point that panic attacks and intense anxiety is the norm. At its worst anxiety will leave you a shell of your former self and no longer capable of enjoying life.

    If you want to escape the anxiety loop you must stop avoiding, coping, and ignoring.

    Coming from where you have been I understand how intense the anxiety & frightful thoughts can be. I also completely understand how intense the physical symptoms of panic & anxiety attacks are. But in order to get back to the life you want you must get comfortable sitting with the built up negative energy and letting it release. It will get easier once you realize that these intense feelings are just from your brain and nervous system tricking you. They are not real per se.

    It sounds difficult but recovery is actually very simple. You no longer have to search for the miracle cure, pill, or therapist. You simply have to retrain your mind that it is actually not protecting you by activating your amygdala at the drop of a dime. This is what CBT (Cognitive based therapy) focuses on. Neuroplasticity and the rewiring of your brain can seem so complicated when you learn so many different CBT based tools. I found the simple path is actually an oxymoron because it is very simple but extremely difficult.

    As previously explained in the scientific portion, you have to get comfortable experiencing all the awful negative feelings, thoughts, what if’s, panic, and fear your brain will toss at you. Don’t try to reason or even talk back to any anxious thoughts that arise, but also do not ignore them. Acknowledge the thoughts/feelings as they come and simply let them be. RELAXED AWARENESS. After a while you will find that you feel the stored up negative energy you have built up over time releasing. It gets worse before it gets better but you will start to feel less anxious if you are consistent.

    Anxiety Disorder – “A mental health disorder characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety, or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one's daily activities”. That is the dictionary definition of an anxiety disorder and now you know what causes and keeps you stuck in it. Don’t think of it so much as a mental health diagnosis that you have to live with, but as your brain currently being unhealthy and needing healing. Your brain is actually working perfectly fine as it is trying to protect you, but it does not realize that it is actually the source of your mental suffering.

    I recommend you read that last sentence again! This is exactly the reason why you can’t strategically “think” your way out of anxiety. For the first few months of my anxiety disorder I spent countless hours researching and trying to think my way out of my predicament. If you are an analytical person this is your natural response to problem solving. It will NOT work. It won’t work for two reasons and it took me a year of ruminating to fully grasp this:

    One, you cannot out think yourself. No matter how smart you are your brain will always have the advantage because it has your intelligence and the advantage of imagination. Just when you think you have figured a way out you will be tossed another curveball in the form of “what if”? There is no absolute certainty with anxious themes and there will always be a possibility that will make sense. Two, your body, mind, and brain will by this time likely be fatigued from the constant anxious thoughts, feelings, and panic you have put it through.

    This is how people can get stuck in the anxiety loop for months and years. If you have no information or understanding of anxiety your entire day will be filled with fear, ruminating, and concern over how you are feeling. I understand how terrifying this is so please trust me that there is a way out. When I first developed my anxiety disorder I could literally spend days in mind ruminating and going in a circle looking for solutions. Before I met with a therapist I was in the worst shape of my life because I didn’t know what was wrong with me or if I had gone insane.

    In fact, the constant panic, worry, and mental stress made my disorder stronger. It got to a point where I was calling out of work and afraid to do anything. I was laser focused inward on my thoughts and how I felt that I stopped being present in the world around me. When you stress your mind to the brink you risk scary symptoms setting in like depersonalization/derealization/disassociation. You also increase the likelihood of developing depression.

    As you start down the path of recovery you have to also make some changes in your everyday life. You will be releasing negative anxious energy but you cannot continue to exchange that with the same stress and worries. This is where healthy changes like exercising and pursing a passion or hobby can be very helpful. This will be a journey of ups and downs depending on how many months or years you have trained your brain to react like this.

    A MAJOR key is to recognize is the illusion of perfection. If you do start to feel new anxious energy or symptoms don’t panic about the thought of returning to rock bottom. So many of us no longer stress about whatever originally made us anxious. We end up obsessing about the anxiety and symptoms and how it has affected our lives. So whenever you feel anxious or a symptom you panic and over analyze everything. Every human being on this planet will feel anxious at some point and it is completely normal. So don’t let your brain scare you that feeling any anxious feelings means you’re heading back to rock bottom.

    I can write about this forever because through my struggle I gained so much knowledge on what works and what does not work. In closing, the key is to remember anxiety is not something you just have to manage. From my experience I whole-heartedly believe it also not some chemical imbalance. It is simply your brain malfunctioning due to trauma and needing to be retaught how to be healthy. Your breaking point is your breakthrough point. Every theme you have is caused by over awareness in your mind due to a fear. If you can identify with what you have read and need help with overcoming your anxiety book a free 30-minute discovery session now.